Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross: Meditating the Passion of Christ
Click on picture to read about Christ's sacrifice for us and pray.

The First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Die.

The Second Station: Jesus Carries His Cross.

The Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time.

The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Mother.

The Fifth Station: Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross.

The Sixth Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus.

The Seventh Station: Jesus Falls the Second Time.

The Eighth Station: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem.

The Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time.

The Tenth Station: Jesus is Stripped.

Eleventh Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross.

The Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross.

The Thirteenth Station: Jesus Is Taken Down From the Cross.