Religious and Historical Books by Elizabeth Olivi Borgognoni

Old World Cookery Over 4,000 Sold!
“Old World Cookery” This unique collection is a treasured source of family food traditions and recipes that were brought from the Italians that settled at Sunnyside in 1895. They were preserved and have been passed down generation to generation for your enjoyment. Also, it features other ethnic cuisines and a sparkling of American dishes. Payable to our Altar Society. To order fill out this form mail or e-mail as follows: 560 Recipes
_____________ Book 1: Old World Cookery - $20.00 + $10.00 shipping= $30.00 Our Lady of the
Lake P.O. Box 272 Lake Village, AR 71653 [email protected]

Italians of Sunnyside - Available on
“Italians of Sunnyside” – 2nd Edition “Italians of Sunnyside” 1895 – 1995: A People of Faith, of Hope, and of Love” Centennial Celebration. This book tells the stories of the Italians’ journey to America to the Sunnyside Plantation on the Southern tip of Lake Chicot near Lake Village. Promises made, not kept. It contains an additional 200 pages of content, images/photos, and a complete index of 2,000 ancestors from the 1st edition. Hard bound $47.00, Soft bound $35.00, $9.00 shipping calculated online.
We hope you enjoy these well documented snippets of Italian and Church History!